WormTrap-P (Pyrantel, Febantel) for Dogs

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Are you concerned about your adorable little furry friend’s well-being? Say hello to WormTrap-P, the ultimate solution to keep your puppies healthy and free from pesky parasites. WormTrap-P is a powerful suspension explicitly designed for puppies, harnessing the combined strength of Pyrantel Embonate and Febantel to combat various worm infestations.

What Is WormTrap-P (Pyrantel, Febantel)?

WormTrap-P is a syrup formulated as a dewormer for puppies, containing the active ingredients Pyrantel Pamoate and Febantel. Pyrantel Pamoate is a commonly prescribed medication for pets, effective in treating hookworm and roundworm infestations in pets. Febantel tapeworm treatment is used for its efficacy against tapeworms. Febantel Wormer acts as a comprehensive wormer, targeting a range of common intestinal worms such as roundworms, hookworms, and other pesky parasites!

One of the remarkable aspects of this active ingredient is the Febantel metabolism. This potent ingredient is efficiently absorbed by your puppy’s body, effectively eliminating parasites and promoting a speedy recovery. Febantel indication is also lungworm prevention.

Trusted Febantel Manufacturer in India produces WormTrap-P. With their commitment to quality and safety, you can trust that WormTrap-P meets rigorous standards, ensuring the well-being of your puppy.


What are the ingredients in Pyrantel+Febantel dewormer?

Each ml of suspension contains:

  • Pyrantel Pamoate IP: 14.4mg;
  • Febantel IP 15mg.

Pyrantel treatment is produced in a flavored 15 ml suspension base.

Forms of Pyrantel, Febantel

These active ingredients are produced in different forms.


Pyrantel embonate and febantel suspension for puppies is available in liquid form. This formulation is convenient for administering the medication orally to pets, often by mixing it with their food, or you may give Pyrantel without food directly administering it using a dropper or syringe.


Pyrantel and Febantel can also be found in paste form. Febantel paste is commonly used for horses and larger animals. It is administered orally by placing the paste on the back of the animal’s tongue or mixing it with their feed.


Pyrantel and Febantel may be available in injectable form. A veterinarian typically administers Pyrantel injection, commonly used in specific cases where oral administration may not be possible or effective.

These different forms offer flexibility in administering the medication to ensure effective treatment for various worm infestations in pets. It is essential to follow the instructions provided by the veterinarian or the product label for the correct dosage and administration method based on the specific form of the medication.

Uses of WormTrap-P

How to give Pyrantel to dogs and puppies?

Liquid wormer Pyrantel for puppies is commonly used to treat and prevent various types of intestinal worm infestations. Here are some uses of Pyrantel drug or when it is typically recommended to use Pyrantel+Febantel dewormer for puppies:

  • Routine Deworming: Puppies are often born with or can acquire intestinal worms from their mother or the environment. As a part of regular puppy care, veterinarians often recommend deworming puppies at specific intervals. Liquid Pyrantel embonate may be used during these routine deworming sessions to eliminate and prevent common worms such as roundworms and hookworms.
  • Symptoms of Worm Infestation: If your puppy shows signs of a worm infestation, such as a pot-bellied appearance, poor appetite, vomiting, diarrhea (which may contain worms), weight loss, or a dull coat, it is crucial to consult a veterinarian. Based on the diagnosis, the veterinarian may recommend WormTrap-P to target the specific worms causing the symptoms.
  • Known Worm Exposure: If your puppy has been exposed to other animals or environments where worm infestations are prevalent (such as shelters, kennels, or areas with high parasite risk), it is advisable to administer WormTrap-P preventatively. This helps eliminate any existing worms and reduces the risk of potential infestations.
  • Before Vaccination or Travel: Before certain vaccinations or traveling to areas where worm infestations are common, veterinarians may recommend deworming your puppy with WormTrap-P. This helps ensure your puppy is in good health and is protected against common intestinal parasites during these events.

Always consult a veterinarian for guidance on the appropriate timing and frequency of WormTrap-P usage for your puppy. Also, contact a professional if you need more information about Febantel for giardia, Pyrantel for coccidia, whipworms, and threadworm.

Who Can Use the Medicine?

Let’s look at who can use Pyrantel+Febantel dewormers.

Pyrantel, Febantel for Dogs

WormTrap-P is specifically formulated for puppies. They are safe and effective for treating and preventing intestinal worm infestations in dogs of various breeds and sizes.

Remedy for Cats

Pyrantel and Febantel dewormers can also be used for cats if prescribed by a veterinarian. However, the Pyrantel dosing and formulation may differ from those used for dogs.

Pyrantel+Febantel for Cattle

Pyrantel+Febantel dewormers are commonly used for cattle to treat and prevent intestinal worm infestations. There are medicines specifically formulated and dosed for use in cattle.

Medicine for Farm Animals

Pyrantel and Febantel dewormers can be used for particular farm animals, such as horses, goats, and sheep, to treat and prevent intestinal worm infestations. However, the specific dosage, formulation, and administration method may vary for each species.

Pyrantel, Febantel for Humans

These dewormers are not intended for human use. They are formulated and approved for use in veterinary medicine.

Pyrantel and Febantel dewormers are primarily intended for use in dogs, cats, cattle, and certain farm animals. It is crucial to use dewormers appropriate for the intended species, follow recommended dosages, and consult a veterinarian about proper usage and administration. Dewormers formulated explicitly for humans should be used for human deworming purposes.

Dosage Sizes

When using WormTrap-P in puppies, it is typically recommended to administer 1 ml of the medication per kilogram of body weight orally. This can be done directly into the puppy’s mouth or by mixing it with their food. Following the dosage instructions a veterinarian provides or as directed on the product label is essential. Administering the medication on an empty stomach is preferred for optimal absorption and Pyrantel effectiveness. Ask your veterinarian about Pyrantel’s schedule for puppies.

Important Safety Information for Owners

Before administering any deworming medication to your dog, it is crucial to consult a veterinarian. They can provide proper guidance on the dosage, frequency, and duration of treatment based on your dog’s specific needs. They may also recommend doing a resistance Pyrantel test. Always follow the recommended dosage instructions the veterinarian provides or as directed on the product label. Giving more or less medication than prescribed can affect its effectiveness or harm your dog.

While WormTrap-P is generally safe, some dogs may experience mild side effects such as gastrointestinal upset, vomiting, or diarrhea. If you notice any unusual or severe reactions, contact your veterinarian immediately.

To maximize the absorption and effectiveness of the medication, it is advisable to administer WormTrap-P either before a meal or at least a few hours after feeding.

Dogs may have individual sensitivities or allergies to certain medications. If your dog has had any adverse reactions to dewormers or other medications in the past, inform your veterinarian before administering WormTrap-P.

Veterinary Prescription

Do you need a prescription for Pyrantel?

The requirement for a veterinary prescription to purchase WormTrap-P for dogs can vary depending on the country and specific regulations in your area. Certain dewormers containing Pyrantel and Febantel may be available over the counter without a prescription. However, it is essential to note that some formulations or higher-strength versions may still require a prescription from a veterinarian. So where to buy Pyrantel? Check Pyrantel reviews and cost. And you may buy Pyrantel for kittens and puppies online.


While WormTrap-P is generally considered safe and well-tolerated in dogs, there are a few contraindications or situations when this medication may not be recommended.

Dogs that have previously shown hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to Pyrantel, Febantel, or any other ingredients in the dewormer should not be administered the medication. Signs of an allergic reaction may include itching, swelling, difficulty breathing, or hives.

Severely underweight or debilitated dogs may have compromised health and weakened immune systems. In such cases, using Pyrantel+Febantel dewormer should be cautiously approached.

Certain dog breeds or individual dogs may have known sensitivities or reactions to certain medications. It is advisable to exercise caution and consult a veterinarian if your dog belongs to a breed known for potential sensitivities or if your dog has previously exhibited adverse reactions to dewormers or medications.

The use of WormTrap-P during pregnancy or nursing should be done under the guidance of a veterinarian. While Pyrantel and Febantel are generally considered safe for pregnant or nursing dogs, the veterinarian can assess the specific situation and provide appropriate recommendations based on the dog’s health and the stage of pregnancy or lactation.

Tell your veterinarian about all medications your dog administers to avoid Pyrantel interactions.

Side Effects

While WormTrap-P dewormers are generally safe for dogs, there have been rare reports of certain side effects.


Can Pyrantel cause bleeding?

Bleeding is a rare side effect of WormTrap-P dewormer. If you notice any signs of bleeding, such as blood in the stool or unusual bruising, it is essential to seek veterinary attention promptly.


Diarrhea can occur, and it is typically mild and temporary, resolving on its own without treatment. However, if diarrhea persists or worsens, or other concerning symptoms accompany it, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.


Some dogs may experience temporary drowsiness or lethargy after taking WormTrap-P. This side effect is generally mild and transient; most dogs quickly recover their normal energy levels. If the drowsiness persists or worsens or is accompanied by other abnormal symptoms, it is advisable to seek veterinary advice.


Seizures are an extremely rare side effect associated with WormTrap-P. If your dog experiences seizures or convulsions after taking the medication, it is critical to seek immediate veterinary attention.

These side effects are infrequently observed, and most dogs tolerate WormTrap-P without any adverse reactions. However, suppose you observe any concerning symptoms or suspect your dog is experiencing a severe reaction. In that case, it is crucial to discontinue the use of the medication and seek immediate veterinary care.


An overdose of WormTrap-P in dogs can potentially lead to adverse effects. It is crucial to follow the recommended dosage instructions provided by a veterinarian or as indicated on the product label to prevent an overdose. However, if an overdose occurs, it is essential to be aware of the potential consequences and take appropriate action:

An overdose may increase the risk and severity of known side effects associated with WormTrap-P, such as gastrointestinal upset (vomiting, diarrhea) or drowsiness. The dog may experience more pronounced symptoms or prolonged side effects.

In rare cases, an overdose of this dewormer may lead to toxicity. Symptoms of toxicity can vary and may include excessive drooling, tremors, muscle twitching, difficulty breathing, or even seizures. If you suspect your dog has ingested an overdose, immediate veterinary care is essential.

If you believe your dog has been given an overdose of Pyrantel+Febantel dewormer or if you notice any concerning symptoms, it is crucial to contact a veterinarian immediately. They may recommend inducing vomiting, administering activated charcoal, or providing supportive care to manage potential complications.

WormTrap-P Poisoning

This dewormer poisoning in dogs is rare, but it is essential to be aware of the potential signs and take prompt action if poisoning is suspected. If you suspect WormTrap-P has poisoned your dog, take the following steps.

Symptoms of WormTrap-P poisoning can vary depending on the severity and individual dog. Common signs may include excessive drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, lethargy, tremors, muscle twitching, difficulty breathing, or seizures.

Immediately contact a veterinarian or an animal poison control center to seek professional guidance. They can provide specific instructions based on your dog’s condition and guide you on the following steps. The veterinarian or poison control expert may instruct you to induce vomiting if the ingestion is recent and the dog is not showing severe symptoms. However, it is crucial only to induce vomiting under professional guidance as some substances or situations may worsen if vomiting is induced.

When contacting the veterinarian or poison control, be prepared to provide information such as the type of dewormer ingested (Pyrantel+Febantel), the amount ingested (if known), and any observed symptoms. This information will help them assess the situation and provide appropriate advice.


Does Pyrantel need to be refrigerated?

Store WormTrap-P in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture to prolong Pyrantel’s shelf life. Excessive heat or humidity can degrade the medication and reduce its effectiveness.

Keep the dewormer in a secure location inaccessible to children and pets. It is essential to prevent accidental ingestion or exposure to the medication, which can be harmful.

Check the expiration date on the product packaging and avoid using the dewormer if it has expired. Expired Pyrantel may not be as effective and could cause harm.

Store the dewormer separately from food items to prevent accidental contamination.

Generic and Brand Names of WormTrap-P (Pyrantel, Febantel)

Pyrantel+Febantel dewormers are available in both generic and brand name formulations. Here are some examples of generic and brand names.

Generic Names

  1. Pyrantel Pamoate + Febantel
  2. Pyrantel Embonate + Febantel
  3. Pyrantel Tartrate + Febantel
  4. Pyrantel Citrate + Febantel

Brand Names

  1. WormTrap-P
  2. Drontal Plus
  3. Nemex-T
  4. D-Worm Combo
  5. Evict-DS

These are just a few examples, and other brand names may be available in different regions or countries.

Other Drugs in the Same Class

WormTrap-P dewormer belongs to a class of anthelmintic medications used to treat animal intestinal parasitic infections. Other drugs in the Pyrantel group include (types of pyrantel drugs):

  1. Praziquantel: Praziquantel is commonly used with other deworming agents to treat tapeworm infections in dogs, cats, and other animals. It effectively targets and eliminates adult tapeworms.
  2. Ivermectin: Ivermectin is a broad-spectrum antiparasitic drug used to treat various internal and external parasites in animals, including heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, and certain mites. It is available in different formulations, such as oral tablets, injectables, and topical solutions.
  3. Fenbendazole: Fenbendazole is another anthelmintic drug used to treat various gastrointestinal parasites in animals, including roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and certain protozoa. It is available in oral formulations and is often used as a broad-spectrum dewormer.
  4. Milbemycin: Milbemycin is commonly used with other drugs to prevent and treat heartworm disease in dogs. It also has activity against certain intestinal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms.

The availability and usage of these drugs may vary depending on the country and specific regulations. It is always best to consult a veterinarian to determine the most appropriate and effective deworming treatment for your pet based on their specific needs and the prevalent parasites in your region.

Comparing Pyrantel and Febantel to other Active Ingredients and Medications

Here’s a table comparing Pyrantel’s mechanism of action and Febantel to other active ingredients and medications.

Active Ingredient/Medication

Difference between Pyrantel and Febantel mode of action

1. Mebendazole

Mebendazole belongs to the benzimidazole class of anthelmintic drugs. It is primarily used to treat a wide range of gastrointestinal parasites, including roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and some types of tapeworms. While both Pyrantel and Mebendazole are used to treat intestinal parasites, they have different mechanisms of action and may target different types of parasites. Mebendazole is available in various formulations, including tablets and suspensions.

2. Panacur

Panacur, also known as Fenbendazole, is an anthelmintic drug that is effective against a broad range of gastrointestinal parasites, including roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and certain types of tapeworms. It is commonly used in both small animals and livestock. Pyrantel and Panacur have different active ingredients (Pyrantel vs Fenbendazole) and may have different spectrums of activity against parasites. Panacur is available in different formulations, including oral suspensions and granules.

3. Praziquantel

Praziquantel is primarily used to treat tapeworm infections in animals. It is highly effective against a variety of tapeworm species. Pyrantel and Praziquantel have different mechanisms of action and target different types of parasites. Pyrantel is mainly effective against roundworms and hookworms. Praziquantel is available in various formulations, including tablets and injectables.

4. Albendazole

Albendazole is another benzimidazole-class anthelmintic drug used to treat a wide range of parasitic infections, including gastrointestinal parasites, lungworms, and certain types of tapeworms. Pyrantel and Albendazole have different mechanisms of action and may have different spectrums of activity against parasites. Albendazole is available in various formulations, including tablets and suspensions.

5. Drontal

Drontal is a brand name medication that combines multiple active ingredients, including Pyrantel, Praziquantel, and sometimes Febantel. It is used to treat various types of intestinal worms, including roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms, in dogs and cats. Drontal provides broad-spectrum deworming coverage due to the combination of multiple active ingredients. It is available in tablet form.

6. Safeguard

Safeguard, also known as Fenbendazole, is a brand name medication that contains Fenbendazole as the active ingredient. It is primarily used to treat gastrointestinal parasites, including roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and some types of tapeworms, in various animal species. Safeguard is available in different formulations, such as paste, granules, and suspension.

7. Strongid

Strongid is a brand name medication that contains Pyrantel as the active ingredient. It is used to treat and control various gastrointestinal parasites, including roundworms and hookworms, in horses, dogs, and cats. Strongid is available in different formulations, such as pastes and suspensions.

It’s essential to consult a veterinarian to determine the most appropriate and effective deworming treatment for your pet based on their specific needs and the type of parasites involved.


Will this medicine kill heartworms and hookworms?

Pyrantel and Febantel dewormers are not effective against heartworms. However, they are commonly used to treat and control hookworm infections in dogs and cats.

Can I give Pyrantel to cats?

Yes, Pyrantel can be used in cats. However, using the appropriate formulation and dosage designed explicitly for cats is essential. Always consult with a veterinarian before administering any medication to your cat. Ask them how and how often you can give Pyrantel to kittens and what is the dose of Pyrantel for kittens.

Can you give Pyrantel and Panacur together?

It is best to consult a veterinarian before combining Pyrantel and Panacur (Fenbendazole) dewormers. Both medications may have different spectrums of activity and dosage requirements, so it is important to follow professional advice.

Can a puppy or kitten overdose on dewormer?

While dewormers are generally safe when used as directed, overdosing can occur if the dosage is significantly exceeded. Following the recommended dosage instructions is essential based on the specific dewormer and the puppy or kitten’s weight. Contact a veterinarian immediately if you suspect an overdose or have any concerns about how to calculate Pyrantel.

Can cats have Febantel?

Febantel is primarily used in dogs and is not commonly used in cats. There are other deworming medications that are specifically formulated for cats.

What does the liquid taste like?

The taste of Pyrantel+Febantel liquid dewormer can vary depending on the formulation and brand. Some formulations may have a palatable flavor that is more acceptable to pets, while others may have a slightly bitter taste.

When does Pyrantel start working?

Pyrantel dewormers generally start working quickly to eliminate intestinal parasites. The exact onset of action may vary depending on the individual pet, the specific formulation used, and the type of parasites being targeted. In many cases, Pyrantel begins working within a few hours of administration, but it may take a couple of days to eliminate the parasites completely.

Can you buy WormTrap-P (Pyrantel, Febantel) over the counter?

The availability of WormTrap-P (Pyrantel, Febantel) dewormer over the counter may vary depending on the country and local regulations. Certain dewormers may be available for purchase in some places without a prescription from a veterinarian.

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